Comp / HEAT / Score / Total - is the breadcrumb status and navigation control
HEAT - the upper case segment shows the current section.
Use the other segments e.g. Score to navigate to other sections.
[Load] - Loads current heat from storage
[Save] - Saves current heat score to storage, the unique key is Round|Heat|Judge and must be consistent across devices to synchronize!
Round - Mandatory - must be the same across devices to synchronize!
Heat - Mandatory - must be the same across devices to synchronize!
Judge - Mandatory - must be the same across devices to synchronize!
[Apply] - Applies the colour selection below to the heat scoring session; if not used, the judge needs to [Reset] the score to start clean. [Apply] prompts you to confirm as it resets the heat scoring session.
Colour and surfer selection - Use check boxes to select colours and you can also type the surfer associated with the colour in the current heat.